BNCN Member CircusInfo Finland informs about a project they’re involved with where we, as a wider community can help…
Circus Arts Research Platform needs your help to update information on circus collections and research in the Baltic–Nordic region
CircusInfo Finland, Centre national des arts du Cirque (France), École Nationale de Cirque (Canada) and Circuscentrum (Belgium) have joined forces to create an online resource platform for supporting accessibility to research in circus arts. Circus research is carried out all around the globe, but information on who is baresearching what in circus is scattered. Circus as a research theme is approached from many different sciences and disciplines. In the CARP project an online platform will be created to bring information on research, the scholars and also collections in libraries, museums and archives to one place. The project is initiated by four resource centers of circus and it collaborates with academic institutions and their circus research projects. At the moment, the website is under construction and we are collecting the data concerning both the researchers, academic publications and papers plus public circus collections. If you are doing or have a MA or PhD with a circus subject, please contact me and you will get a link to our questionnaire! The researchers will have an opportunity to include their profile with research interests and a list of publications to the site, also after the site is launched in the end of the year 2018.
If you have information on a public collection with circus related items: a library, archive or a museum in a Baltic or a Nordic country, please contact me! I need to update our contact list for these organizations. We will send them a questionnaire, so that they can themselves describe their collections. The questionnaire will be in English, and it would also be valuable if you know whom to contact in the institution?
The bellow mentioned collections we already have on our list from the Baltic–Nordic region: The Circus museum at Rold, The National Museum of Denmark, The Royal Library of Danmark, Cirkusmuseet (i Hvidrövre), Lund University Library, Drottningholms Slottsteater, Cirkusakademien; Cirkusmuseum i Höganäs, Scenkonstmuseet, Eesti Teatri- ja Muusikamuuseum: Avaleht, CircusInfo Finland, Teatterimuseo.
Looking forward to your contact,
On behalf of the CARP team, Johanna Mäkelä johanna.makela(a)
Bellow images from the CARP workshop at CNAC in Chalons-en- Champagne last week with Anna-Karyna Barlati (ENC), Cyril Thomas (CNAC), Mui-Ling Verbist (Circuscentrum), Franziska Trapp (ZirkusWissencschaft) and Johanna Mäkelä (CircusInfo Finland).
Centre national des arts du Cirque in Chalons en Champagne has many beautiful spaces and great resources for research, both artistic and scientific, in circus. There are many Scandinavian students in CNAC at the moment. I met three of them, Oskar Norin, Sebastian Krefelo and Anton Persson.
