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High North Collaboration

On the 1st of December BNCN Coordinator joined Silence Festival high up north in Luleå in Lapland to take part in a seminar about new High North Collaborations for arts organisations across cultural sectors in Lapland.

The day was organised by Finnish Arts Promotion Centre in Luleå at Resurscentrum för Konst i Norrbotten. Presentations from an mix of invited organisations and artists followed a panel discussion live-streamed on the culture of networks/networking as well as the culture of arts in Lapland across its’ national-and cultural borders.

We heard a lovely presentation from Meri Nikula (singer/artist) formed part of the day and started discussion of a new network for the ‘high north’ of the Nordic region. If you are interested to hear more about this new initiative which is in early stages of development, do contact Jonna Leppänen on jonna(a)


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