#RigaICCE Intwrnational Conference on Circus Education, Riga

On Thursday the 12th of April 2018 the International Conference on Circus Education was held at Latvian Academy of Culture’s Theatre House of LKA in Riga, Latvia. Organised by Baltic Nordic Circus Network, Riga Circus, Manegen and Latvian Academy of Culture.

Speakers presenting at the event were Anne-Mette Nørskog and Søren Flor (DK, AFUK), Astrid Schorn (DE, Freie University), Clara Norman (SE, Cirkus Cirkör), Kate Webb (UK Circomedia), Mikko Rinnevuori (FI, Circus Helsinki) Olga Zitluhina (LV, LKA), Petri Heikkilä (FI, LAHTI), Rada Manusson (AU/UK, Invisible Circus), Steven Desanghere (BE), Ville Sandquist (FI, Theater Academy), Walter Fererro (SE, DOCH) and Zane Kreicberga (LV, LKA).
The presentation resonated well with the international and local community that attended. From students to artists to policy makers to international experts on circus education spent a day together and watched in total 12 presentations on various topics.
Some feedback from participants:
“Inspiring and interesting conference. Nice atmosphere and feeling.”
“Very useful, well organised, good networking, discovered a bit of the Riga scene.”
“I learnt about the true diversity and richness of learning methods across Europe.”
See below for a detailed schedule of topics presented.

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