Baltic Nordic Circus Network is trying to identify people who work as circus teachers across our region. Help share and fill out this survey.
“As part of setting the direction for our collaborative efforts we create mappings to consult the wider field to gain input and insure and inclusive attitude. Currently we are interested to identify circus teachers and gain knowledge on your issues and wishes.”
ARTiculate Circus is Baltic Nordic Circus Network’s current pedagogy development strand. Under the ARTiculate strand we explore how to develop circus education across our region more generally and with specific focus on artistic thinking in circus education. We are interested in developing activities and resources which equip circus teachers to build capacity on how to train to make circus arts, to use circus as creative tool to make art in addition to equipping students with technical ability.
As part of setting the direction for our collaborative efforts we create mappings to consult the wider field to gain input and insure and inclusive attitude. Currently we are interested to identify circus teachers and gain knowledge on your issues and wishes. If you have ideas you are always welcome to get in touch on
At the moment we have two digital workshops coming up for circus teachers as part of our ARTiculate Circus Education strand. There are on 4-7th and 11-14th of May. For more information and to register please see the call out here:
For more information on the ARTiculate strand as a whole please visit:
ARTicualte 2018, Riga
ARTiculate, Helsinki 2019