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Welcome to Marie-Andrée Robitaille Baltic Nordic Circus Network New Coordinator!

We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Marie-Andrée Robitaille as the new Coordinator of the Baltic Nordic Circus Network (BNCN). Please join us in welcoming her to this important role!

Marie-Andrée Robitaille brings with her over thirty years of rich experience in the contemporary circus arts. Her career spans a variety of roles, including choreographer, performer, researcher, teacher, and producer, giving her an in-depth understanding of the circus arts and circus communities.

Originally from Québec, Canada, Marie-Andrée now resides in Sweden. Her professional journey in the arts began with her studies in human sciences, alongside training as a dancer at the École de Danse de Québec and as a circus artist at the National Circus School in Montréal. In 1998, she joined Cirkus Cirkör in Sweden, where she excelled as both a circus artist (notably in SuperCirkör 98, 00:00, TRIX) and as the pedagogical and artistic director of Cirkus Cirkör's gymnasium school. Between 2007 and 2009, she further expanded her involvement in the circus world by working as a talent scout with Cirque du Soleil's casting team. She returned to Sweden in 2009 to take on the role of assistant professor of circus, artistic leader and head of the bachelor’s degree program in circus at Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH), formerly known as DOCH.

During her time at SKH, Marie-Andrée spearheaded several groundbreaking artistic research projects. These include the Gynoïdes Project, which explored the representation and agency of women in circus; Sound of Circus, focused on sonic interaction; and Hidden Circus, investigating sensing practices. Her research interests are wide-ranging, covering topics such as the epistemic potential of circus, circus pedagogy, choreography, performative new materialisms, posthuman ethics, and transdisciplinarity. Her doctoral project, Circus as Practices of Hope: A Philosophy of Circus, delves into alternative modes of composition and proposes a philosophy of circus that emphasizes the art form’s unique kinetic, aesthetic, and embodied knowledge, positioning circus arts as a hopeful practice for the future.

Marie-Andrée is also recognized for her leadership in initiating and coordinating the Nordic Women in Circus Network, while also advising as a board members within several cultural organisations such as CirkusCentrum formerly Manegen (2019-2020, 2011-2015), Kristofferscenen (2019-2023), and currently Intercult and SMART Sweden. Marie-Andrée Robitaille serves as the new BNCN Coordinator through her own production company CirkusPerspektiv. 

We warmly welcome Marie-Andrée to her new role!

Marie-Andrée shares her thoughts on this new chapter: 

"It is an honour to be invited as the new coordinator for the BNCN. I will do everything in my power to serve all members to the best of my ability. I believe the Baltic and Nordic regions have great potential for circus growth, accounting for and celebrating each region’s unique culture and heritage. BNCN is a dynamic circus entity, well-equipped to evolve within a circus ecology of great members' initiatives! I look forward to working with all of the members and further advocating for circus across and beyond the Baltic and Nordic regions!"

We look forward to the exciting developments ahead under Marie-Andrée’s coordination. Welcome aboard!

You are welcome to reach out to our new coordinator via this email:  


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