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Ørkenfortet together with BNCN members has received network funding from the Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme to established the Nordic-Baltic Circus Alliances Network!

The Nordic-Baltic Circus Alliances (Short-term Network 2025) is dedicated to fostering organizational development, with a focus on building and nurturing partnerships and collaborations among circus organizations across region. This initiative is designed to strengthen the overall Nordic-Baltic circus ecosystem, creating a more cohesive and supportive environment for its growth and sustainability. Led by AFUK, Foreningen Ørkenfortet (Denmark) together with Circus & Dance Info Finland, Cirko (Finland), Dynamo - Workspace for circus & performing arts (Denmark), Hringleikur (Iceland) Bærum Kulturhus (Norway), Teatronas (Lithuania), Arts printing House (Lithuania), CirkusPerspektiv (Sweden), Cirkuscentrum (Sweden), the network invites the participation of all the organisations members of the Baltic Nordic Circus Network.


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